President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was a distinguished participant at the opening ceremony of the Doha Forum. Held annually in Qatar’s capital since 2003, this year's forum convened under the theme "Diplomacy, Dialogue, and Diversity". It brought together global leaders to address critical issues such as geopolitics, economic development, energy, new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and food security, facilitating a robust exchange of ideas on contemporary global challenges.
In dialogue with CNN’s Julia Chatterley at a Newsmaker Interview session, President Tokayev, in discussion with CNN journalist Julia Chatterley, President Tokayev highlighted the critical need for a robust United Nations, highlighting the increasing significance of middle powers in global governance.
"The UN, as a universal organization, is essential for humanity, and currently there is no alternative. Regrettably, major powers have not succeeded in making the world safer, which, for understandable reasons, greatly concerns many countries, including Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is evident that the UN requires reform. We believe that bridges should be built between the major powers to break the deadlock in the Security Council. So-called middle powers, including Kazakhstan, can play a vital role in promoting peace and security at both regional and global levels," President Tokayev noted.
President Tokayev also elaborated on the current contradictions within global trade and the important of maintaining open markets during the session.
"In my opinion, trade conflicts, including tariff measures, are not the best solution and often do more harm than good. As a member of the World Trade Organisation, Kazakhstan strictly adheres to all norms and rules of this important trade and economic organization. We do not support barriers and conflicts, and instead advocate for open markets. Kazakhstan is not involved in such confrontations because we have always maintained constructive and mutually beneficial relations with our neighbors in the region and beyond. Therefore, we urge all major powers to refrain from using trade as a tool of pressure," President Tokayev remarked.
He further addressed questions about Kazakhstan’s multifaceted foreign policy, efforts towards resolving conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and highlighted the pivotal role of youth in the nation's progress.
December 07, 2024
March 04, 2025
Astana International Forum 2025 to Host Critical Dialogue on Global Issues and PrioritiesUnder the auspices of the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Astana International Forum 2025 will take place from May 29 to 30, as it continues its mission of fostering cross-border dialogues on international diplomacy and cooperation. Against a backdrop of global disruption and polarization, the Forum will bring together government leaders, business executives, and academics to explore practical solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
March 03, 2025
Kazakhstan: il Forum internazionale di Astana si terrà il 29 e 30 maggioSi terrà dal 29 e il 30 maggio prossimi il Forum internazionale di Astana, piattaforma di dialogo promossa dal presidente del Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, per favorire la cooperazione tra Oriente e Occidente. Lo rende noto il ministero degli Affari esteri di Astana sul proprio sito web. “Con la sua posizione strategica e il crescente ruolo nelle relazioni internazionali, il Kazakhstan si conferma attore chiave nella facilitazione del dialogo tra i Paesi. Storico punto di raccordo tra Oriente e Occidente, il Paese continua a sostenere un sistema internazionale inclusivo. Il Forum internazionale di Astana rappresenta un simbolo di questo impegno. Dopo il successo dell’edizione 2023, che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 5 mila delegati internazionali, l’edizione di quest’anno affronterà le principali sfide globali e le tendenze emergenti nei settori strategici”, si legge.
January 16, 2025
How the UAE and Kazakhstan Can Tackle Climate Change in the Middle East and Central AsiaThe ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles, which began in early January, are another indication of the severe impact of climate change. Southern California has experienced anunprecedenteddry period, which is the driest start to the rainy season on record. This has led to extremely dry vegetation, providing ample fuel for wildfires.
December 23, 2024
Why Kazakhstan is the Investment Destination to Watch in 2025The investment climate in 2024 has looked cautiously optimistic, although prospects are clouded by the perennial uncertainty of economic conditions. While global foreign direct investment modestly recovered, major challenges remain, such as geopolitical tensions and inflation in developed markets. As a result, investors are seeking new emerging markets. Among them, Kazakhstan, the largest and most economically developed country in Central Asia, is one of the options on the table. Situated at the juncture of Europe and Asia, possessing significant natural resources, and pursuing an economic diversification policy, the country is worthy of closer attention.